
When you place your order with Outdoor Playhouses LTD the office is sent a notification. We then organise with our delivery company to deliver your playhouse as quickly as possible. 

Key points to consider:

  • leave a contact number, this helps the delivery companies
  • look out for an email from us with your tracking details. 
  • if you want a time slot, this is an extra cost, please contact us as soon as you have placed your order (or before)
  • the pallets are dropped kerb side only (delivery companies rules)
  • Please inspect for damage before signing
  • If you're not in when the delivery is attempted, you maybe charged for a return delivery. 

Playhouses are not as simple to deliver as your regular everyday items that Amazon and others can turn around in under 24 hours.

These playhouses come in large wooden creates or pallets. Some of the larger playhouses can weigh nearly 500kg, that's around 1/2 a ton. These can only be delivered with tail lift lorries. Smaller items such as slides, felt and toy accessories can be shipped in quicker times. If access to your property is tight please let us know. 

Please note that the larger items are curb side delivery only. If you have a flat driveway, most delivery drivers will pull the pallet onto your driveway. If you have gravel or grass, this maybe left on the pavement as the pump truck that they move the pallet around on will only move on hard standing.  

With all deliveries, you will be sent a notification of the delivery company and a tracking number. We aim to have larger deliveries with you in 5 working days or less.